EPOCH return to their favourite time tunnel, The Vaults, with their third incarnation: 1950.
"It was the Epoch of the modern era, the commies were coming, the technological race made made its first lap, colour exploded into our lives and consumerism was born."
Epoch create evenings of time travel that transport you in to a world of arts. Come and revel in all Index Year 0 has to offer. Epoch present their immersion through time with three new plays from some of London's best emerging theatre companies.
This time we're not only offering you two chances to catch 1950, we're also giving you live music, hijinks and plenty of opportunity to jive after performances, and on Saturday 4th October the bar will be pouring until 2am. Entertainment will be provided by the amazing DJ Beats In Abundance.
There will also be music from London's Vintage Girl Band:
Come and discover a time you've forgotten, or a time you never knew.
Featuring new plays by:
Husk | The Dank Parish | Rusted Dust
For more information on the shows, visit the Epoch website.
3rd & 4th October
Doors from 7pm. First performance at 7.30pm
Late admittance from 9.30pm
3rd OCT - Late Night until Midnight.
Tickets £12.50 plus booking fee
4th OCT - Late Night until 2am
Tickets £15 plus booking fee
3rd and 4th OCT - Late Night only 9.30pm - 2am